Monday 13 October 2014

(VIDEO) The Truth About Punishment For Apostasy In Islam

Ben Affleck appeared on HBO show Real Time and debated with Sam Harris and Bill Maher about Islam. This video backs up Ben Affleck's stance providing verses of the Holy Quran to disprove Sam and Bill's unfounded attacks on Islam.
Concerning the truth about punishment for apostasy in islam; from the foreword of the book (The Truth about the Alleged Punishment for Apostasy in Islam) written by the fourth spiritual head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, we read: 
“From the earliest days till now Islam and the world of Islam have not been harmed so severely by any external enemy as by some simple-minded Muslim ulema (Theologians) themselves. In fact, the enemies of Islam have utilized the unwise religious edicts of these naive ulema as a basis to attack Islam.  
The wrong trend among the ulema took place when, under the influence of changing socio-political environment, they preferred to adopt some politically colored Islamic interpretations and ignored the clear teachings of the Qur’an and the noble precedence set by the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).   
Killing of apostate is one of such erroneous trends and baseless convictions. In fact, this menacing tenet is based neither on the Qur’an nor on the practice of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him). It was merely a political idea invented with the help of some biased ulema (scholars), and used by Abbasid caliphs and other rulers to grind their political axe. Later it took such momentum that even the unbiased ulema (scholars) were influenced by this wrong trend. Unfortunately, the later generation of ulema, who followed the old schools of thought, adopted this un-Islamic view uncritically without further research.  
This dangerous and untenable belief produced very grave consequences. On minor differences some eminent scholars of Islam were declared apostates by the ulema who opposed them. The rulers and some politically powerful ulema used this weapon against their opponents. These agonizing chapters in the history of Islam remind us of the Christian rule of Spain when Christians upholding similar views, most savagely punished, for minor differences, their own Christian brothers”.

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