The establishment of Ahmadiyya Jama'at in Jamaica is not a result of luck or chance. It is fulfillment of prophecy of its Founder. The Promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was certain that his message would have successfully reached every corner of the earth as God had assured him: ''I will carry thy message to the ends of the earth''. This was an astonishing announcement at that time coming from a man whose message had not yet left his tiny village in India, and whose followers at that time did not even number fifty. Today however, his community is the most dynamic, fastest growing revival movement within Islam. It span over 206 countries with a membership of over 260 million – Muslim men and women standing united under one spiritual leader called Khalifa. In fact, since the demise of the Promised Messiah (peace be upon him) a little over a century ago, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has been the primary Islamic organization to reestablish central authority or Khilafat, (spiritual institution of successor-ship to prophethood). Over a century ago, the Promised Messiah reminded his followers of God Almighty’s promise to safeguard the message of Islam through Khilafat. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that only spiritual successor-ship can uphold the true values of Islam and unite humanity. Five spiritual leaders have succeeded the Promised Messiah since his demised in 1908. Its headquarters, and fifth and current spiritual head, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, resides in the United Kingdom.
Manifestation Of Prophecy
It is not only the Jews, who for over three thousand years are still awaiting the second coming of a Jewish prophet (namely Elijah), to be followed by a Jewish Messiah. In fact, every religion contains prophecies about the coming or second coming of a reformer in the latter days. For example; the Hindus awaits the re-advent of Krishna foretold in their scriptures; Christians awaits the second appearance of Jesus. The Muslim majority awaits the appearance of the Imam Mahdi (rightly guided leader) as well as the second appearance of Jesus. Zoroastrians believed in the coming of Mesio Darbahme. The Buddhists also awaits the advent of Prophet Buddha.
With the exception of Old Testament Jews who at the time of Jesus (over two thousand years ago) were expecting the imminent second return of the prophet Elijah to be followed by the Messiah, all other religions prescribed the Latter Days as the same time for the appearance of their respective spiritual reformer. For example, the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) indicated that that the Imam Mahdi (rightly guided leader) would appear in the 14th century of Islam (19th century Christian calendar) and at which time there will be famines and earthquakes and other natural disasters. He also predicted that the Muslims would split in several sects. In addition he indicated that during that time of the Imam Mahdi and re-advent of Jesus, the camel would be redundant as means of transport and in its place there would appear an unusual ‘donkey’ that would travel very fast on land, on sea and in the air. It would possess two enormous ears while moving in the skies. It would eat fire; people would ride inside its belly instead of its back. He predicted a solar and lunar eclipse in the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan. Jesus (peace be upon him) also predicted the eclipses; wars, — nations fighting against nations; stars falling down which also metaphorically refer to the appalling spiritual condition of the religious scholars. Prophet Buddha predicted occurrence of plague as a sign of his re-advent. Plague is also found in the Hindu scriptures as a sign of the re-advent of their Holy reformer. These are but a few signs that the founders of all these religions foretold.
Now if we look back at the late 19th and early 20th century, we realize that all these signs materialized one after another. From natural disasters to the spiritual condition of the religious scholars, solar and lunar eclipses in the Islamic Holy Month of Ramadan; plague, wars and rumors of wars; nations fought against nations is the historical event of world war one and two. The eating fire flying donkey, is the invention of air plane while other modern day combustion engine driven vehicles continue to travel at neck breaking speed on land and sea; with people riding inside -- all these prophecies come true during the late 19th and early 20th century.
But, the phenomenon of so many waiting respectively for the appearance or reappearance of their Promised One in this latter days poses a serious question; would God send so many Promised Ones with different teachings to different religions all at the same time? The conclusion is therefore unavoidable, that all these prophecies referred to one and the same person. This is why the Holy Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him) had already indicate that in like manner John the Baptist was the prophet Elijah, Jesus and Imam Mahdi is one person.
When the right time approached and Muslims started to count days till the 14th Islamic century, Christians had already announce 1844 as the date for the imminent re-advent of Jesus. How shortsighted these religious scholars were, unfortunately many still are. God worked in the most logical and rational way and sent ONE person who was the Mahdi, Jesus, Krishna, the Buddha and the spiritual promised reformer for all the religions.
After receiving revelation from God, in 1889 the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian India, claimed to be that promised spiritual reformer that all the religions were awaiting. He came to manifest to the world the truthfulness of all the prophets of previous religions. He explained how Jesus (peace be upon him) was an exalted prophet of God, who fulfilled his mission, survived death on the cross and at the age of 120 years died a natural death. He explained how Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the Seal of Prophets and is the last law bearing prophet – after whom there can be no independent prophet. He cautioned against irrational interpretations of Qur’anic pronouncements and misapplications of Islamic law. He elucidated the real meanings of Jihad and admonished Muslims to keep away from the self-made bloody interpretation of Jihad. Above all, through his established Worldwide Muslim Community, today his message of peace is spread the world over. I encourage you to Know more about him—his mission.

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